WHAT WE write


“(W)holistic Science Pedagogy: Teaching for Justice”—peer reviewed article co-authored by Salina Gray, Ph.D. for the National Science Teaching Association

“A More Humanizing Approach to Science Via the (W)holistic Science Pedagogy, Language Arts, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”—peer reviewed article co-authored by Salina Gray, Ph.D. for the National Council of Teachers of English academic journal.

Joker To King—book written by Robert Brown, Ed.D.

“Teaching Science to Transgress: Portraits of Feminist Praxis”—peer reviewed article co-authored by Salina Gray, Ph.D. for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching

From Description to Explanation: An Empirical Exploration of the African-American Pipeline Problem in STEM—peer reviewed article co-authored by Salina Gray, Ph.D. for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Salina Gray, Ph.D.—Guest on the podcast Our Stories Matter--episode eleven "Healing through Mindfulness"

“The Stigma of Men and Therapy”—article written by Robert Brown, Ed.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

Salina Gray, Ph.D.—Guest on Teaching Science in 3D--episode 63 "Reaching Students in the Virtual Classroom with Dr. Salina Gray"

“Niceness vs. Kindness”—article written by Robert Brown, Ed.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

California Teachers Association Good Teaching Conference

“Reflection on Earth Month”—article written by Salina Gray, Ph.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

“Why are 90% of All Murderers Men?”—article by Robert Brown, Ed.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

Salina Gray, PhD.—The Scholarly Kitchen "Leaders Who Happen to Be Women of Color"

Stanford Magazine—Interview with Salina Gray, Ph.D. on the topic of teaching middle school science during the pandemic

“Change”—article written by Salina Gray, Ph.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

“The Journey Begins”—article written by Salina Gray, Ph.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

“Is Forgiveness Necessary for Our Healing Journeys?”—article written by Robert Brown, Ed.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

UC Davis: "Transforming Education Through Restorative Justice"—Conference presentation by Salina Gray, Ph.D.

“Black August and the New School Year”—article written by Robert Brown, Ed.D. for the Trauma Informed L.A. website

Everyday Feminism: "Transforming White Guilt"